Having a new born baby in the house, or an active toddler causing glorious chaos changes they way we do things. There are just somethings that are no longer possible - from how much sleep we can get, to leaving beautiful, decorative glass vases out on coffee tables. So too with our spiritual journey, when we kids arrive with new time-tables and demands, some spiritual disciplines become less possible. Some of the ways that were very helpful in our pre-kid days in connecting us to Jesus are no longer working. That morning quiet time is now tortorous after a night of broken sleep. Having long coversations with church friends after the service now consists of a few hellos as one chases that busy toddler around.
Some of us realised that we have been using our pre-kid-day standards of spirituality to assess our current intimacy with God. And this results in guilt and a sense of failure. But God is not limited to using a couple of ways or disciplines to build His relationship with us. He is so passionate about keeping His daughters close to His heart and has lots of creative ways of doing so. We need to let go of doing Jesus the old way, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into new, "mother-friendly" ways of enjoying our Father's presence, and being filled up with His word and Spirit. Watch this space as we share some of the more "mother friendly" ways we have found helpful in keeping us intimate with Jesus.
sounds great jax - i've been mulling over this issue lately (and am typing one-handed because of the baby in my other:-) leesa