Our sharing time this month was like one of those tasty winter stews, where every mouthful brings a different flavour. I am sure that I was not able to note all the brilliant perspectives, points and ponderings that were shared – but here are a few tasty morsels to get you chewing on this whole generosity thing:
Giving is about responding to God’s call to give and not stressing too much about the outcome of the giving. That’s God’s concern. Our concern is that we are obedient to the His voice when He asks us to give.
God is generous and He does provide, but one must guard against seeing His provision as a sign of His goodness. God is good regardless of whether there has been provision or not. If there has been a lack of a sign of provision it doesn’t mean that He is less good.
As we have to learn to give, we also have to learn to receive generosity from others. To receive it with an open heart, and not feel that one is now indebted to that person and that one now has to perform. Rather, just as the giver has to keep her eyes on Jesus and not stress about the outcome of the gift, so the receiver has to keep her eyes on Jesus too – and respond to His directing rather than feel she owes the giver.
Generosity is not just about giving money – I can be generous with who I am
I can be generous in the way that I talk to people, in my conversations I can be generous in focussing on the issue and not the person in times of conflict
I can be generous by not holding grudges against people
I can be generous by thinking the best about other people’s intentions and motives
I can be generous by respecting the dignity of each person, including the beggar at the traffic lights - I can look the beggar in the eye and greet him or her, even when I don't feel right about giving money
I can be generous with my time
One mom shared she had a longing to see God’s miraculous provision – inspired by the book Always Enough (a book review to be posted soon) - and yet recognises that in order to allow God to move in the miraculous, she needs to be in a place of complete desperation. This is hard. She and her husband are trusting God for finances and so have experienced being totally dependent on God. She shared about the cycle of being in need, trusting God for provision, then a rising sense of panic as the deadline approaches, and the relief and joy of the 11th hour provision.
Someone wondered why God’s provision was often at the 11th hour, another wondered if it was because we so often give at the 11th hour having um-ed and ah-ed as to whether we should give or not.
A lady who did not seem to grapple with the cycle of trust/panic/relief was Corrie ten Boom. She knew Jesus well enough to trust him even into the 11th hour. Another book review will elaborate on this and hopefully inspire us to do the same.
Giving out of guilt, manipulation or coercion is not generosity. God loves a cheerful giver (2 orinthians 9: 7). If you don't feel you can give cheerfully, then maybe you shouldn't be giving, or you need some Holy Spirit work on your heart?
Generosity is totally enhanced when giving is done in the context of relationship.
Would love to hear your thoughts on generosity…
I am encouraged by so many that don't give from a place of their own overwhelming abundance. They don't wait until they have everything they need. They don't give because they are overflowing with extra. Rather, they give because they have open hearts, see others in need, and give. It reminds me of the widow Jesus described, who gave from her small amount. But in God's eyes, it is hugely significant.
ReplyDeleteMany of you who are reading this give this way and I thank you.