It was only towards the end of our previous gathering that we managed to focus on how we inspire our children towards generosity. I was unfortunately called away from some of the discussion by my little one who needed some mother TLC, so I missed some of the sharing.
However these three questions stick with me - and have prompted me to grapple with the issue on a deeper level than I would have otherwise.
Do I want the only picture that my children get from me regarding generosity to be one of me handing money through my car window to a beggar? In South Africa we cannot avoid the beggars who stand at most traffic lights, hoping for mercy. They certainly challenge our generosity and can be a wonderful opportunity for us to discuss giving with your children. Yet is this the only opportunity - one that is often a brief encounter, where there is the distance of being inside the car and the poor, the needy, the one without power being slightly removed from us. There is no relationship there, there is no chance for the giver to also receive. It is not a complete picture of generosity. So how can we as parents create opportunities for more fuller displays of generosity, where God's generosity to us is mirrored. No easy answers here, I am afraid, each of us needs to pursue this with God's guidance and grace.
I want to explore this journey of learning to be generous, and I want my kids to come along with me on that journey, but how do I help them understand fully, and how do I help them learn from my victories and not my less victorious moments? No quick answer here either. Just a cute story that highlights part of this question: One mom shared she is faced with many people who are begging and can't give to all of them, especially in this season where her finances are very tight. She is trying to ask God's to tell her which person He wants her to give to. Driving in the car, approaching a traffic light where she sees she will be asked, she says to her 4 year old daughter, "Lets ask Jesus if He wants us to give to this man". They both pray and listen for a prompting from the Holy Spirit. The daughter gives a certain reply God wants you to give to this man, and you must give paper money.
Is this God speaking through her daughter or is this just the words of a little girl who cannot yet fully understand the concept of money and of poverty?
I want to get to that stage where I give cheerfully and obediently when God prompts, even if the giving is sacrificial, but how do I balance that with the need to be a responsible parent who ensures my kids needs are met? Sacrificial giving is all about giving beyond one's ability, in faith that God will supply one's needs. This is more challenging when one considers that one might not have enough for the basics for one's child. Is having children a legitimate reason to not ever give sacrificially? Again each of us needs to look to God for His direction and guidance to work this out in each of our families.
Much that we need to work through - good thing that Jesus is the author and the perfecter of our faith...we can trust Him to show us how.
Much that we need to work through - good thing that Jesus is the author and the perfecter of our faith...we can trust Him to show us how.